July 12, 2011

Leon Grey {Newborn}

FILED IN: Newborns

Today we are having a break from all the wedding and engagement photos for some precious newborn photos. Introducing Mr. Leon Grey Corbett! Leon was born on May 11th and was 6 lbs. 12.8 oz. and 20 inches long. Leon’s mommy Ashley and daddy Mike have been friends with Christina since they were little, so it was definitely an honor for Christina to be able to take Leon’s newborn photos. In Christina’s own words:

“Oh where do I begin with this couple? This is one of those couples. One of those couples that are so beautiful on the outside, but even more beautiful on the inside, and you think how is that even possible? One of those couples that when you are around them you just can’t help but have fun. They are that couple. I have known Mike since we were in the 4th grade, and have been best friends with Ashley since we were 13. So needless to say I have shared in many special occasions with this couple. I had the privilege of a front row seat to their beautiful love story which began in high school and blossomed through college. I was honored to stand up with them at their wedding, and was beyond ecstatic to hear the news they were going to have a little boy! So needless to say I was HONORED to be able to take pictures of this little boy! Welcome to the world Mr Leon and welcome to parenthood Mike and Ash, it looks beautiful on you… ”


How precious is this little one?!
The whole family: Mike, Ashley, Leon and Bo

One of my favorites!

Ashley, motherhood looks great on you! I cannot wait to experience this kind of love myself.

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  1. Ashley says:

    Thank-you Christina for taking such amazing pictures! I love love love them all. And thank-you Colby for posting on your blog! I can’t wait for you to experience all this- I had no idea how great this all could be.

  2. Karen says:

    Christina – fantastic job!!!! You always have a knack with the little ones!! Can’t wait for you to take pictures of the new Popopleton family! :o)

  3. Holly says:

    Hey, I know these folks! 🙂 Congrats to them!!



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