March 1, 2011

WPPI 2011 {Las Vegas}

FILED IN: Personal

Last week David and I were in Las Vegas for the WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographer’s International) annual conference. For those of you who aren’t familiar, picture 10,000 photogs running around the MGM Grand and the Las Vegas strip. Good times. It was great to see old friends and make new ones all while learning and evaluating the core of our business and who we are as photographers. We attended some great lectures and connected with other photographers who we admire and inspire us. Doing so really helped bring me to a place of clarity in my personal work as well as reinvigorated us for the direction we want to take our business. A lot of what we learned confirmed for me things that we are already doing right and to keep doing them; but then also opened our eyes to new possibilities, places and directions for Colby Elizabeth Photography to go in 2011 and the future. One resounding theme throughout the week was how can we best serve our clients? It is how we answer that question that will motivate us moving forward.

I will leave you with a view of the Las Vegas strip from the Palms penthouse. While at WPPI, I was able to take part in a Mad Men themed shoot, so be on the lookout for those photos, they will be coming to the blog soon!

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