March 8, 2011

Kevin and Deanna {Engagement}

FILED IN: Engagements

The photos I have to share with you today are appropriate for this snowy day in Colorado. A few weeks ago, Christina and I met up with Kevin and Deanna to shoot their engagement photos and we started the day by playing some much loved snow football. Kevin and Deanna went to rival colleges, The University of Colorado (what what!!) and Colorado State University, respectively. Since this is much apart of their story, we decided it would be fun to incorporate it into their photos.

Kevin and Deanna first met while in college. Kevin was visiting his childhood friend up at CSU, who was also a friend of Deanna’s and ended up being her roommate the following year. Over the next two years they became good friends, hanging out in either Fort Collins or Boulder every few weekends. It wasn’t until Kevin graduated and moved to Denver that they started to date. At this point Deanna still had one semester left at CSU. It was a tough commute every weekend between Fort Collins and Denver, but Deanna says “it was totally worth every mile!”. To pass the time during the week they would e-mail back and forth. One day, Kevin ended an e-mail with “Once upon a time…”. After that, they took turns adding a piece of the evolving story about the few months they’d been together until the story ultimately ended with “…to be continued.”

Fast forward to this past Christmas. Kevin and Deanna celebrated their Christmas with each other on Christmas Eve morning. Deanna’s last present was a framed story which Kevin had titled “Twice Upon a Time…”. The story was about all their experiences together over the past year, and they took turns reading each section out loud. After Deanna finished reading the last section, Kevin continued the story (which was originally covered by a photo). While reading, he pulled out a ring, ending the story with “Deanna Wasson, you are the love of my life. All I really want this Christmas is for you to be my wife.” How could a girl refuse that!? She of course said yes! Way to go Kevin for originality!

Kevin and Deanna, Christina and I had a ton of fun getting to know you guys better during your shoot. I really love these photos and hope they capture who you guys are. We can’t wait to shoot your wedding day in September!


To see more photos from our shoot, Click Here for a Slideshow!

Playing a little Snow Ball…

Love this pairing.
For those of you who are from Colorado or attended one of these 2 schools, you are familiar with the following chants….Christina and I have chanted the one on the right many a time.

comments +

  1. Steph says:

    These are SO cute!!! I love the CU/CSU idea (although I have to agree it sucks to be a CSU Ram…) What a cute fun couple and as always AMAZING pictures!!!

  2. Amy says:

    GO Buffs! Colb…they’re so cute! Love them!

  3. Alyssa says:

    This is so cute!

  4. Kristin Cunningham says:

    I can’t decide which one is my favorite! I love the twinkle lights of Laramie Square, and the seats with heart shaped backs- so adorable!



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