December 6, 2011

Welcome Parker Douglas Poppleton!

FILED IN: Personal

Today I am excited to take over the blog and do my first post!

comments +

  1. Sarah says:

    Amazing photos…brought too many pregnant tears to my eyes. Colby, what is the secret to looking so amazing? Parker is beautiful and is such a lucky boy. Hopefully Levi can play with him when you are out in Cali next time. Best wishes!

  2. Jenn Elias says:

    Love!!!!! I miss you and can’t wait to meet the little man!

  3. Heather Mustain says:

    He is adorable David and Colby! Congrats to becoming parents!

  4. Christina says:

    Love that little boy! So excited he is finally here!!

  5. Christina says:

    Love that little boy! So excited he is finally here!!

  6. Melissa Carpenter says:

    Ahhh! I’m so happy for you guys. Seriously could that child be anymore perfect! What a beautiful family. We love you three!

  7. Karen says:

    He’s even cuter in real life!! and soooo sweet. He doesn’t ever cry!

  8. Rico says:

    Super cute! congrats guys!!



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