June 17, 2010

The Rudderows {Family}

FILED IN: Families

Happy Thursday everybody!! I would like to start by wishing my sister-in-law Christina Happy Birthday today! I will make sure it is a good one for her as we are celebrating tonight, one of the beauties of living so close now! 🙂

May and June have been QUITE busy with tons of weddings and engagements (among other things). But today I would like to change it up a little and post a family shoot for you. I know it’s been awhile since you have seen one of these, so I thought it would be fun. Speaking of fun, that is exactly what this family was-FUN! Jennifer (the mom) approached me about doing a family shoot because her mom’s 80th birthday was coming up. As a surprise all her mother’s children were getting photos taken with their individual families across the country and then they are surprising her with a big canvas collage (as well as a SURPRISE party on June 20th!). We headed down to Corona del Mar where the scenery was beautiful as always and had a fun little photo shoot. Enjoy these photos on this beautiful Summer day!


Presenting….The Rudderows!
“Little Mike” and his son Cash
The head of this clan…Jennifer and “Big Mike”
The Kids

Love this one

Mother and Daughter

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  1. Christina says:

    So good, as always – super cute family too!



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