September 17, 2012

Parker {8 & 9 Months}

FILED IN: Personal

Well the past 2.5 months have been crazy!!! Hence why I never posted any 8 month photos of Parker and am just now getting around to it when he is 9.5 months old. I think between 7 and 9 months might be the most exciting and fun baby period to date. I guess it’s because BY FAR so much has happened in this time period…he literally becomes more like a little boy and less like a baby every day. To sum it up, this little one is ON THE MOVE!! Since I last blogged about him at 7 months, Parker has started crawling, pulled himself up, “talking”, gotten his first tooth, said Dada and literally is into EVERYTHING! He is ALL BOY…I can’t turn around for one second because he is into, under and on top of everything! He doesn’t sit still for one minute, he wants to constantly be exploring anything and everything!

I think the main thing that stands out about our little bug at this point though is what a HAPPY child he is. This is something that has been evident throughout his entire life and just continues as he grows. Sure he throws fits and has strong opinions about certain things (unfortunately I don’t think he avoided getting David and my stubbornness), but as a whole he is so good natured and has so much energy, a good sense of humor and a zest for life! All in all he is just a fun little boy to be around!

Parker, Daddy and I are more in love with you than we ever thought possible.


Eating some plums at 8 months old.

My little clown face.

This is where I found him…

9 Months Old

Playing under his Sheet Fort

Wrestling with Daddy

Crawling fool
How I found him after his nap.

comments +

  1. Sarah says:

    He looks sooo much more like a little boy now! The cutest!!

  2. Lauren says:

    Ridiculous! He is so stunning! Good work you two! And, beautiful photos!

  3. karen says:

    What a beautiful and happy boy!

  4. Amy says:

    SERIOUSLY!!!! SOOOO CUTE! Move to Minnesota so the boys can play everyday!

  5. Stephanie says:

    How is he this cute?!?!?! Love him – what a little ham!!! Greats pics to 🙂

  6. Susie Skelly says:

    Adorable!!! It much be so much fun. He seems to love the camera. XOXO Susie



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