July 2, 2012

Parker {7 Months}

FILED IN: Personal

This past Friday our little Parker was 7 months old! This first year is completely flying by! Last week Parker and I were in California for a friend’s bridal shower and some good time to hang out in Mommy’s home state with G-Ma and PopPop! We had a great time and it was nice to get away from some of this Colorado heat. Parker had his first trip to the beach, and he loved it! He was busy the entire time playing with the sand and beach toys, as well as trying to put everything in his mouth…including the sand! We didn’t have enough time, as usual, so we will have to plan another beach day for when we return in August!

Yup, he’s my favorite.

I absolutely adore these next two of Parker and my mom.

comments +

  1. Karen says:

    Loved these!!!! Looking forward to more days on the beach with my little Bug! :o)



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