October 29, 2012

Parker {10 & 11 Months}

FILED IN: Personal

Parker is 11 months old today, I can’t even believe it and am still in shock that in a month I will have a one-year old! In some ways it seems like yesterday that we were driving to the hospital in anticipation of his arrival and in other ways we simply can’t remember our lives without him. So much has changed in the last two months. I really think from 9 months on has been the most fun, yet challenging age to date. I no longer see my little baby so new to the world just sitting there taking it in, but more a little boy who has opinions and wants to explore and be apart of the world around him. I see his heart, he voluntarily will crawl in my lap and just want to snuggle; I see his frustrations, he will throw a tantrum when he doesn’t get his way. He has become more attached to David and I, he looks at us as his Mommy and Daddy and depends on us for love and comfort.

Some of the highlights of the past two months by the numbers:

5- # of new teeth (6 total)
4- total airplane trips in his life (we went to Florida this month to meet his Great Grandma “GG”)
3- size diapers Parker wears (and has been wearing for as long as I can remember!)
2- steps taken on his own
1- minimum # of tumbles per day

We love you so much Parker! You’re our little buddy and we look forward to experiencing all the fun adventures your life will bring!


Play date at Rock Creek Farms, P loves the animals!

Our Little Monkey.

It was a miracle that we were able to get all the kids looking at once.

G-Ma visits this Fall!
Love this one of Parker and his G-Ma.

We like to have fun.

Fall would not be complete with out a trip (or in our case, several) to the pumpkin patch!

Parker was totally ready for the patch with his Jack-o-lantern shirt from his G.
Love this family picture of us, Parker LOVED the pumpkin patch.

Love where we live.

comments +

  1. Amy says:

    Oh my! Why don’t we live close…Parker reminds me so much of Finn. I wish they could play everyday! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pumpkin pictures! Hugs and kisses from Minnesota!

  2. Christina says:

    Such a cutie pie!!!

  3. Alyssa says:

    Parker is the cutest and I love all the family pics…especially with Parker’s huge, happy smile!

  4. karen says:

    These are wonderful – hard to believe he will be a year in just one month!!!



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