June 2, 2010

Hello Colorado!

FILED IN: Personal

I know I’ve been a little MIA with the blogging lately, but I have a good excuse, we’ve been busy moving. After packing our life up in the Budget truck with literally not an inch to spare, 22 hours of total driving across 5 states, a Motel 6 and a blizzard through the mountains we made it to Colorado! Shortly after arriving we had a very busy Memorial Day weekend with two engagement shoots and a wedding (more on those soon). Although we haven’t had a ton of time to settle in, we are loving our new home! It’s absolutely gorgeous and I cannot wait to share photos with you from all the new places I will get to shoot. For now, enjoy some of these I snapped throughout our journey to Colorful Colorado.

Jackson helping his G-Ma with the drive.

About 4 hours to go…

comments +

  1. Amy says:

    You make me want to move…RIGHT NOW! We miss you guys and beautiful Boulder!

  2. Ashley says:

    hahah i love the one at the rest stop where your parents are filling up both your cars =)

  3. Plia Lau says:

    Your pictures are so gorgeous, as always. You seem to make the landscape appear even more beautiful through the way you capture them. I can’t wait until we’re able to move although we’ll probably take longer since we have dogs and a child who loves to tell us that she wants to go potty quite frequently. Well, you amaze me with your talent. I look forward to seeing more photos of Colorado taken by you and David. Seriously I am obsessed with the beauty of that state. I can’t it until the day when it will also be my home. Congratulations on your new home!


  4. Jamye Jack says:

    BEAUTIFUL pictures!! I love your hair curly too! It’s super cute!

  5. karen says:

    Loved reliving the trip – you should have put some of the snow storm I caught on my cell going through Vail Pass – that was the most exciting part of the trip!!



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