February 17, 2010

Dorothy {Maternity}

FILED IN: Maternity

Today’s photos are very special to me. While in Colorado, I was able to do a maternity shoot for my sister-in-law Dorothy and brother-in-law Stephen at Red Rocks. Red Rocks is such a beautiful spot for photos, and so “them”–outdoorsy, natural and beautiful. I love shooting people I know, but this was especially fun because Dorothy and Stephen’s love for each other and their little one was so evident. They have such a natural loving connection with one another that it really made my job easy. Unfortunately, life has been crazy at the Poppleton house and I was meaning to get these out a lot earlier…but my little niece beat me! She arrived into this world this past Saturday, February 13th (just in time for Valentines Day!) and 3 weeks early! Olivia Grace Wright, welcome to this world, you have many people that love and adore you already!


Click Here for a Slideshow!

My 2 beautiful sister-in-laws!

comments +

  1. Christina says:

    Ahh they will LOVE these!!! So great!

  2. Kristin says:

    I love the pic with their hands in the shape of a heart on the belly!

  3. Karen Fredericks says:

    These were great – loved the Red Rocks. Dorothy and Steve looked great! Now you need to do some shots with Oliva!



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