November 11, 2010

David and Colby {Anniversary}

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Today’s a big day. One that kind of snuck up on me to be honest. Five years ago today, I married my best friend and the love of my life, David Poppleton. David, it’s crazy to think it has already been five years that we have been husband and wife, yet not crazy at all because I can hardly remember my life without you in it. I am so thankful every day that you are MY husband and we have each other to face this life together. Through the hardest of times and most exciting times, it’s all so much better because I am doing it with you. Love you so much babe!

In honor of our anniversary, I am going to post some photos of, you guessed it, US! Since we are always behind the camera, we thought it would be fun with our upcoming anniversary to have some photos of us. So our Sister-in-Law, Christina Poppleton (who second shoots with CEPhoto), volunteered to do a shoot of us. With our recent move to Colorado and my LOVE for the Fall season, I thought nothing would be better than to capture us in our new surroundings with some beautiful Fall inspired scenery. Another reason we wanted to do this, I think it is good for the photographers to be on the other side of the lens every now and then so we know what our clients are experiencing. And let me tell you, it is a lot harder than I thought! I definitely gotta hand it to all our clients, you guys rock and are awesome at posing….this modeling stuff is HARD WORK! This experience has definitely given me a fresh perspective on how our clients might be feeling and also how I might better translate to them the poses I am looking for. Anyway, I will leave you with some of my favorite photos from that day, it was so hard to choose Christina did such a good job!


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  1. Karen says:

    I love them!!!!! Christina you did a wonderful job – Colby I think you have found your “3rd” shooter!!!! :o)

  2. Christina says:

    Oh yay love them!! Had so much fun and will take pics of you guys anytime!

  3. Kate says:

    My 2 favorite shots are the black and white ones; top of B/W standing on either side of the tree and small one on left side, on fence, Colby standing on bottom rung of fence, David sitting on it, adorable!

  4. Kristin Cunningham says:

    Awww! its so wonderful to see some pics of you guys- very good work Christina! I love the blk and wht where you are hugging D from behind. And all the fun colors- including your outfit with the brown boots!

  5. Ashley says:

    I LOVE the ones of you two on the fence with the barn in the background… CONGRATS on 5 years!



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