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July 17, 2012

FILED IN: Personal

Exactly a month from today one of my best friend’s Sarah is getting married! So I thought it was appropriate that today I share with you her Nautical Themed Bridal Shower. A bunch of my fellow Bridesmaids and our moms had fun planning this shower for Sarah and thought the theme was a perfect fit […]

July 10, 2012

FILED IN: Personal

Last week we had a great time celebrating the Fourth with some friends that were visiting from Minnesota. David and I went to college with Amy and we shot her and Barrett’s wedding in 2010. Now they have an adorable baby boy Finn, who was born on Christmas Day and is 3.5 weeks younger than […]

July 2, 2012

FILED IN: Personal

This past Friday our little Parker was 7 months old! This first year is completely flying by! Last week Parker and I were in California for a friend’s bridal shower and some good time to hang out in Mommy’s home state with G-Ma and PopPop! We had a great time and it was nice to […]

June 7, 2012

FILED IN: Personal

Well I am already over a week late with this and before I know it this little guy is going to be 7 months!  I can’t believe we are already over half way through the first year, that is just insane to me.  A new milestone this month for Parker was sitting up on his […]

May 7, 2012

FILED IN: Personal

I know, I know, I say it every month, but I can’t believe Parker is already 5 months old! 5 months is almost 6 months, and 6 months just sounds so big! I saw a little newborn the other day, and it seems like forever ago that Parker was that itty bitty and so new […]



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