July 31, 2011

Baby Bump: 22 Weeks

FILED IN: Personal

Quick little update on the bump front! This weekend we were in Salida shooting a fabulous wedding and while we were there I had David snap a few of me along the beautiful Arkansas River to show my continually growing bump. It seems to get a little bigger each week….at times it just seems totally normal to me and then others I will pass my reflection and think HOLY COW! Our baby boy seems to be doing great, he’s been getting more and more active. It’s really fun to feel him kicking and moving around. Now knowing it’s a boy, it seems so much more real. It’s been fun referring to the baby as him or Our Little Man and we’ve started working on the nursery. We’re so excited to have a little boy!

A few pics….

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  1. Jen says:

    So beautiful!!!

  2. Jamye Jack says:

    You are seriously GLOWING!!!! You look beautiful!!

  3. Amanda says:

    Gorgeous Colbs!

  4. Sarah says:

    You look amazing! Love it.

  5. Awww! So happy for you! You are a rockstar with all these amazing photo shoots and editing while a little baby is growing inside you!

  6. Karen says:

    My Baby is having a baby – can’t believe it!!!! :o) Can’t wait for the little guy!



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