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December 12, 2014

FILED IN: Families

It seems like overnight we went from traveling non-stop for wedding season and then came home and went straight into the holiday season! Not only am I still swamped with weddings to edit (I am starting to get through them), but now we are busy busy over here with holiday shoots. Today I wanted to […]

December 9, 2014

FILED IN: Weddings

YAY the time has come that I am finally posting this Wedding! Things have been nuts over here and I have been in an editing swamp, not to mention super busy with holiday shoots. We had such a great time at Andy and Jenn’s Wedding this fall in New England. Although it was pretty chilly, […]

December 3, 2014

FILED IN: Personal

On Monday I posted some photos from Parker’s Birthday Party and today I wanted to show you all some photos of our big boy at 3 years old. I try to make a point every year of getting some updated pictures of him on his birthday because I admit, I am not as good at […]

December 1, 2014

FILED IN: Personal

I can’t believe it my little boy is 3!!! His birthday was this past Saturday, November 29th, and we had a great day just the three of us celebrating. The first thing Parker asked me when he woke up was “Can we go get our Christmas tree?!” A boy after my own heart. So we […]

November 20, 2014

FILED IN: Weddings

Happy Thursday everyone! I’ve been lost in a pile of editing this week but am so excited for tomorrow as my parents are flying into town and Saturday we celebrate Parker’s 3rd birthday! It seems like yesterday in some ways that I was at the hospital having him and now he is this fully functioning […]



All the pretty on the daily:

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