September 2, 2009


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Lakes, rivers, clear streams, pounding waterfalls. Rock formations, granite cliffs. Half Dome. El Capitan. Giant sequoia groves. Ansel Adams. Grandeur and splendor. A few of the things that come to mind when you think about Yosemite.

A week ago David and I packed up the car (and I mean PACKED the car…not a spare inch to be had) and drove up North into the beautiful Sierra Nevadas with our great friends Ben and Tiffany. I had not been to Yosemite since high school, but it did not disappoint…simply breathtaking. The only frustrating thing is it is hard to capture this kind of creation through my camera lens. All of us hadn’t been camping for quite some time, so it was great to be out surrounded by nature and have some good times together. John Muir would be proud!

Yosemite Valley
My beautiful models and good friends, Tiffany and Ben.
Half Dome
Half Dome Hike

Vernal Falls on the Half Dome Hike

Vernal Falls on the Half Dome Hike

The Keeseys

Getting down and dirty camping.

Getting down and dirty camping.

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