April 5, 2010

Sean and Brittney {Engagement}

FILED IN: Engagements

Last weekend, while I was in Colorado for some photo shoots, I had the pleasure of meeting Brittney and Sean. Up to this point we had only communicated via email due to the many miles between us. But it didn’t take long for it to feel like we were all old friends. I was lucky to have my sister-in-law Christina second shoot with me that day since David wasn’t able to make the trip out to Colorado. We started our shoot at Wash Park in Denver (despite some crazy winds) and then continued on to downtown for a more urban setting.

Sean and Brittney have known each other since middle school, at which point Brittney was best friends with Sean’s older sister (as Brittney puts it, she’s robbing the cradle!). She frequently went to his family’s house and even took ski trips with them to Winter Park. Through the years both Sean and Brittney’s paths continued to cross. They both went to the same High School and College- Colorado State University (Sean and Brittney- I will let this one slide for the time being 🙂 ). They had both always had a crush on one another all those years, but Brittney says she was always too nervous to follow through on her feelings. Sean claims he was in love with Brittney from the time he was 11 and would have dated her at any point, but it was her that kept things strictly on the friend level. Either way, near the end of Sean’s Senior year in college it was Brittney who started pursuing him, and they immediately knew it was more than just a crush….and the rest is history.

Sean and Brittney, it was a pleasure getting to know you and you two were so easy to shoot! I can’t wait for your Boulder Wedding (GO BUFFS!!-Sorry had to do it…) at the Greenbriar Inn in late June! I know it will be amazing and that Brittney you will look stunning. Thanks again for the coffee!


Click Here for a Slideshow!

Brittney and Sean, even with the wind, you guys rocked it out!!
Christina and I loved Brittney’s adorable coat from Anthro, as well as her bright silk scarf and black boots!

Brittney, you should model.

There is something about this one that I love.

Christina found these wrought iron hearts that I was in love with.

One of my favs from the day.

Christina and I were in love with this old garage door.

Another favorite.

comments +

  1. Stephanie Miller says:

    What a cute shoot – you found some amazing places in Denver!!! I love the ones on the bench – they look so natural and beautiful!

  2. wendy sue says:

    great shots poppletog…i love that wrought iron heart fence/gate…and those urban shots are awesome. ps i want that scarf she has!

  3. Jamye Jack says:

    great shots!! i love how natural they both look!!

  4. Karen Fredericks says:

    Great shoot – loved the ones in the park!

  5. […] might remember Sean and Brittney from early this Spring when I did their engagement shoot in Denver. Well here they are again as a married couple! David and I shot their wedding in late […]



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