June 7, 2012

Parker {6 Months}

FILED IN: Personal

Well I am already over a week late with this and before I know it this little guy is going to be 7 months!  I can’t believe we are already over half way through the first year, that is just insane to me.  A new milestone this month for Parker was sitting up on his own.  It seems like one day he was very wobbly and would almost immediately fall over and then the next he could sit up on his own no problem for any length of time. Also in the last month, we are really starting to see his little personality develop and shine through. He is very happy (most of the time) and I often find him laughing out loud at me or David, the dogs (Tucker in particular) or something completely random that I have no idea why he finds it amusing. While he is still very easy going, he is getting more strong willed and set on what he wants…and I don’t always know what that is! This adventure is never boring, that’s for sure!

The reason I haven’t had a chance to post these until now is my parents came for a visit right after Parker turned 6 months.  We headed up to Rocky Mountain National Park which was absolutely gorgeous!  Unfortunately, by the time we got out to take some photos the clouds had rolled in.  Prior to that there was a deep blue sky with fluffy white clouds that served as a strong contrast to the snow capped Rocky Mountains.  I am sure Parker won’t remember his first trip to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park, but I am glad I have these photos to document it.

I love the shot on the right of David and P.
Rarely does this kid smile without sticking his tongue out.

The boys in their matching hats!  Thanks Kelley and Chris for sending this adorable fedora for Parker!

comments +

  1. karen says:

    BEAUTIFUL pictures! Parker is adorable!

  2. Jamye Jack says:

    What beautiful pictures! Oh my gosh, Colby, Parker is so stinking cute!!! I can’t get over it!!

  3. Holly says:

    That is one adorable son you have 😀



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