November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

FILED IN: Personal

Happy Halloween! We hope everyone had a great day yesterday dressing up, trick-or-treating, handing out candy, bobbing for apples or whatever it is you did! 🙂 We had a great day dressing up our little Indian and going Trick-or-Treating with Parker’s cousins. This was his first real experience trick-or-treating as last year he wasn’t really walking. He caught on to the concept really quickly and was ALL ABOUT IT! Luckily he has some pretty great older cousins to watch as an example: run up to someone’s front door, knock, hold out your pumpkin and say “Trick-or-Treat!”, pick out some candy, say “Thank you!” and repeat! I was pretty proud that he somewhat kept up with everybody and anytime I tried to carry him and help him out and he would say “Down!” Once we got back to our home base he started crying because he didn’t want to stop! Remembering my childhood and all the fun Halloweens we had, it was pretty fun to watch my own son start to experience it and see that tradition. Being a mom is pretty indescribable…when your child is happy and having fun your own joy is ten-fold. We hope everyone else had fun yesterday and were able to celebrate your own traditions!

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