March 28, 2011

Broden Michael {Newborn}

FILED IN: Newborns

Hey, it’s Christina today…since Colby and David have been off galavanting the globe, shooting fabulous people and an international wedding, I have decided to take over the blog for today. I recently became an Aunt to the most beautiful baby boy, and since he is the first nephew in the family we have all gone completely gaga over this boy! I had been looking forward to his birthday for 9 long months, so of course the day he was FINALLY born, my camera was close at hand. Hey, what better way to spend time on the day you were born, then doing a little photo shoot? He is of course the perfect little man and the perfect little model, so I couldn’t take enough pictures! So here are a few of my favorites from the day he was born at the hospital and then a few from when I went to visit him once he had gotten home. Mr. Broden Michael, we are all so excited that you are here, I couldn’t love you more, and I am so excited to watch you grow!


His sister Bella, welcoming him into the world.

I love this one!

My beautiful sister-in-law (and Brody’s mommy) Kristin, on the left

These were my brother Sean’s (Brody’s daddy) cowboy boots when he was a little boy.
Bella is SO excited about her new baby brother!

Welcome to the world Broden Michael! I love you!

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  1. Stephanie Miller says:

    Oh my goodness – these are adorable!!! What a precious little boy – and GREAT pics Christina!!

  2. Kristin Milner says:

    Thank you so much Christina for these great photos!! I love all of them!

  3. Karen says:

    Christina – these are fantastic!!!!! You’ve done a wonderful job! Can’t believe how big Bella is compared to little Michael!



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