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August 19, 2014

FILED IN: Newborns

Sweet baby Jackson Anthony came exactly one month earlier than his due date on 7-13-14. He weighed 5 lbs 8 oz and was 18 inches long. I had the pleasure of photographing this sweetie and his parents, Amanda and Joe, at 10 days old. He was so tiny, precious and perfect it made me SO […]

August 15, 2014

FILED IN: Maternity

I love our job! We get to meet so many people through organic and natural connections…a friend of a friend, a sibling, a bridesmaid at a wedding…and then we get to walk along side those people in some of the most important moments in their lives. Then to be able to document it for them, […]

August 6, 2014

FILED IN: Weddings

David and I loved this Wedding so much! It was the perfect Summer day in Colorado for this New York couple to officially tie the knot. Brad and Maggie work and live in New York City, but decided on sunny Boulder, CO–Maggie’s hometown–as the perfect destination for their Wedding. And perfect it was. We started […]

July 17, 2014

FILED IN: Weddings

A couple of weeks ago we shot Phil and Emily’s beautiful brunch Wedding in the mountains above Boulder. The Ceremony was held at Sunrise Amphitheater followed by a delicious brunch at the Flagstaff House. Weddings like these make me realize how fortunate we are to live in a place like Colorado! The scenery was breathtaking! […]

June 24, 2014

FILED IN: Personal

Happy Summer everybody! I love this time of year…long days, warm nights, green everywhere you look, kids playing outside long after their bedtime, cold drinks, concerts in the park and lots of time at the pool! To kick off the Summer, we took a few photos of our family. I just love Summer in Colorado, […]



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