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April 19, 2016

FILED IN: Engagements

We met up with Michael and Jennifer at the end of January at Coot Lake in Boulder for their engagement session. I am excited to finally share the photos! As you can see in the pictures it was a chilly day and the snow was starting to melt and as such we definitely had to […]

March 18, 2016

FILED IN: Personal

Last month we celebrated Deacon’s first birthday with a Winter wONEderland brunch. We are so thankful to all DJ’s Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and grandparents for coming to celebrate him turning one! We are so lucky to have so much family nearby and thankful to my mom “G-Ma” who flew out! The day was complete with […]

February 14, 2016

FILED IN: Personal

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Who said Valentines Day was just for girls!? Love these little Super Cupids! XOXO, Team Poppleton

February 3, 2016

FILED IN: Families

Today I have one of my dear friends (and fellow photog) on the blog, along with her cute family! Sarah asked me to photograph her crew for their Christmas card this year and we were lucky enough to have some beautiful snow on the ground for our shoot. I thought it was fitting to share […]

January 26, 2016

FILED IN: Engagements

I loved shooting this session for Jay and Anna’s first wedding anniversary! We headed above Boulder for some beautiful mountain views and ALL the golden light. Yes! I also shot some photos of the couple in their wedding attire, to see those click here. Jay and Anna could not have been easier to photograph. They […]



All the pretty on the daily:

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